Making Insurance Pay
At Schofield King Lawyers, we tirelessly advocate for the rights of those who’ve suffered injuries, endeavouring to secure victories in claims and recover compensation in a timely manner.
We strive for a future where every individual, regardless of their circumstance, is protected from exploitation by large corporations and insurance firms. We aspire to make professional legal advice not just a privilege for a few, but an affordable, readily available service for all.
We accept challenges and rise to the occasion.
We look for solutions rather than focusing on obstacles.
We win.
We believe in always trying to improve at work and as people.
We believe we should be constantly reviewing the way we do things because if there’s a better way, we want to strive for it.
We are open minded and unafraid to try new things.
We continually look for opportunities to improve our processes.
We are invested in the success and wellbeing of the business, its people and our clients.
We feel that legally representing people is a privilege not to be taken for granted.
We believe that everyone has the right to be heard and to have their story told.
We feel that everyone deserves a fair go.
We care and do our best, as that’s all you can do.
To express your interest in future positions at Schofield King Lawyers, get in touch with us below: